We serve others
Because he served us

Jesus set the course for our service when He came to serve us (Matthew 20:28). At Shepherd’s House, we are an army of servants who bond together on teams and use our gifts to build up others. It’s not a matter of if we serve, it’s a matter of when.

Team Culture


Humility is one of our core team culture codes. Egos are checked at the door. From pastor to parking team, we aren’t chasing titles, we’re carrying towels. We want to decrease so Jesus can increase (John 3:30).


A teachable spirit brings about honor, wisdom, and blessing (Proverbs 9:9, 13:18). We want teachable people on our teams because we want our teams to be blessed in their service to Christ and the Church.


Your greatest ability is your availability. God doesn’t need us, but He will use us if we’ll show up! We order our priorities to be available to serve others for God’s glory and their good.

What we value


Eyes on jesus

We don’t serve to get eyes on us, we serve with our eyes on Him. Our effort is for Him, through Him, and all about Him.


excellence in everything

Whatever we do, we work at it with all of our heart. We strive for excellence because we’re working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23).

every person matters

If our eyes are constantly on Jesus, when we look at other people we will see them the way He does. We want to love people like He does.


embrace change forever

We don’t do “sacred cows” and we don’t complain about changes that come from growth. We embrace change. God doesn’t change, we do.

what we do

we pull in the same direction

On our teams we have many visionaries who love to bring strategic plans to life. But as a body, there is one vision, and one mission. We don’t have competing visions, and we don’t fight for our preferences. We pray, submit to qualified leaders who submit to Scripture, and we put our hands to the plow together for the glory of God and the good of the Valley.